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Scribblenauts Unlimited

Scribblenauts Unlimited
Scribblenauts Unlimited

Developer: Warner Bros
os: Android IOS
size: 520.6MB
updated: February 10, 2016




Scribblenauts Unlimited is an innovative puzzle video game developed by 5th Cell and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. It was first released in 2012 for the Nintendo Wii U, and later for other platforms including the Nintendo 3DS, PC, and iOS devices.

The game features a unique gameplay mechanic that allows players to summon almost any object they can think of simply by typing its name into the game's interface. The objects then appear on screen and can be used to solve a variety of puzzles and challenges throughout the game's various levels.

The game follows the adventures of Maxwell, a young boy with a magic notebook that has the power to bring anything he writes into existence. Players must help Maxwell on his quest to collect Starites, which are magical objects that hold unlimited power and can grant wishes. In order to obtain Starites, players must solve puzzles and challenges that are presented to them in each level.

One of the key features of Scribblenauts Unlimited is the ability to summon almost any object or creature that the player can think of. This opens up a world of possibilities when it comes to solving puzzles and challenges. For example, players can summon a ladder to climb up to a high platform, a jetpack to fly over a gap, or a giant hammer to smash through obstacles.

Another unique aspect of the game is the ability to modify the objects that are summoned. For example, players can add adjectives to an object to change its properties, such as making a regular car into a flying car or a giant, fire-breathing dragon.

Scribblenauts Unlimited features a colorful and vibrant art style that brings the game's imaginative world to life. The game's levels are filled with interesting characters and creatures that players can interact with, and the game's music and sound effects add to the overall whimsical atmosphere of the game.

The game's story is presented through a series of comic book-style cutscenes that are both charming and humorous. Players will meet a variety of characters throughout the game, each with their own unique personality and backstory.

In addition to the game's main story mode, Scribblenauts Unlimited also features a sandbox mode that allows players to explore the game's world freely and experiment with different objects and scenarios. This mode is perfect for players who want to let their creativity run wild and see what kind of wacky and imaginative situations they can come up with.

Scribblenauts Unlimited is a fun and inventive puzzle game that encourages creativity and imagination. With its unique gameplay mechanics, charming art style, and engaging story, it is sure to provide hours of entertainment for players of all ages.


How To Play

Scribblenauts Unlimited is a puzzle game that was developed by 5th Cell and released in 2012. The game allows players to create and control objects using a magic notebook, and the objective is to solve various puzzles and challenges by using these objects. In this article, we will guide you through the basics of playing Scribblenauts Unlimited.

Getting Started:

The first thing you need to do is choose your avatar and your sibling’s avatar. Once you have chosen your avatars, the game will start. Your first objective will be to help your sister Lily, who has been turned into a statue by the evil wizard, Zargos. To do this, you will need to collect Starites by solving puzzles and challenges.

The Magic Notebook:

The magic notebook is the key to solving puzzles in Scribblenauts Unlimited. You can use the notebook to create and control objects that will help you solve puzzles. To use the notebook, simply click on it and start typing in the object you want to create. Once you have typed in the object, it will appear in the game world, and you can interact with it.

Solving Puzzles:

There are several different types of puzzles in Scribblenauts Unlimited, and each one requires a different approach. Some puzzles require you to create a specific object, while others require you to use objects in the game world to solve the puzzle. To solve a puzzle, simply use your magic notebook to create the objects you need, and then use them to interact with the game world.

Collecting Starites:

Starites are the currency in Scribblenauts Unlimited, and you need to collect them to progress through the game. You can collect Starites by solving puzzles, completing challenges, and exploring the game world. Each puzzle and challenge will reward you with a certain number of Starites, and you can use them to unlock new levels and areas in the game.

Creating Custom Objects:

One of the unique features of Scribblenauts Unlimited is the ability to create custom objects using the magic notebook. To create a custom object, simply type in the name of the object you want to create and then add adjectives to describe it. For example, if you want to create a flying car, you can type in "flying car" and then add the adjective "red" to make it a red flying car.

Exploring the Game World:

Scribblenauts Unlimited features a vast game world that you can explore to find hidden Starites and puzzles. The game world is divided into several different areas, each with its own unique puzzles and challenges. To explore the game world, simply move your avatar around using the arrow keys or the WASD keys.

Multiplayer Mode:

Scribblenauts Unlimited also features a multiplayer mode that allows you to play with your friends. In multiplayer mode, each player controls their own avatar and can use their magic notebook to create objects. You can play multiplayer mode locally on a single computer or online with friends.


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